TÜV NORD GROUP understands compliance as observance of all relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, standards and contractual obligations as well as voluntary commitments, including regulations the company has set for itself.
Competence and responsibility are important principles for the business success of TÜV NORD GROUP. TÜV NORD AG and its affiliates respect the law of the lands in which they do business and expect the same from their employees and business partners. Breaches of laws and ethics are not tolerated.
In order to avoid possible risks and avert damage to the TÜV NORD GROUP, the Board of Management has established a central compliance management system within TÜV NORD AG:
✓ This includes organisational structures and processes, associated reporting and corresponding controls.
✓ Extensive preventive measures to guard against the emergence of compliance risks (e.g. through criminal actions) and to recognise such risks as early as possible.
✓ The compliance organisation is transparent both inside and outside the organisation
✓ The Board of Management implements corporate compliance in all organisational units.
In addition to the internal staff who act as contacts for questions relating to compliance, TÜV NORD GROUP has also elected an Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is available to staff, clients, suppliers and other interested parties and can be contacted in connection with possible breaches of compliance; he is obliged to maintain client confidentiality as a member of the legal profession.